05. Quiz: Episodic or Continuing?

Quiz: Episodic or Continuing?


  • A task is an instance of the reinforcement learning (RL) problem.
  • Continuing tasks are tasks that continue forever, without end.
  • Episodic tasks are tasks with a well-defined starting and ending point.
    • In this case, we refer to a complete sequence of interaction, from start to finish, as an episode.
    • Episodic tasks come to an end whenever the agent reaches a terminal state.

With these ideas in mind, use the quiz below to classify tasks as continuing or episodic.

Source: Wikipedia

Source: Wikipedia

Task 1

Consider an RL agent that would like to learn to play the board game Go. Is this a continuing or episodic task?

SOLUTION: Episodic

Source: Wikipedia

Source: Wikipedia

Consider an immortal puppy agent that would like to obtain as many treats as possible from its (immortal) owner. Is this best formulated as a continuing or episodic task?

SOLUTION: Continuing